Kia ora, and welcome to term three. The next ten weeks are filled with many important events and milestones, and they will be amongst the busiest in the school calendar. Year 13 Spirit Week, Talent Quest, Numeracy and Literacy Examinations, Senior Assessment Week, and Winter Tournament Week, along with several academic, cultural, and Arts trips and competitions, will continue to provide staff and students with full timetables. Alongside these events, students are expected to keep up with their studies and meet their academic goals. It can be tricky for students to negotiate these demands, underscoring families' vital role in supporting their children to balance the needs of home, school, work and their social lives. School interviews are coming up in a few weeks, so while I encourage you all to make the time to meet with teachers, the sooner you share any concerns you have with teachers, deans and school leadership, the better chance we have of getting positive outcomes. Here is a link to a list of key contacts should you need to reach out. I'm delighted to introduce Tim Rout, who has recently joined our teaching staff at Mount Maunganui College. Tim, our new Head of Mathematics, comes to us from Aquinas College. He brings a wealth of experience in Math, Science, and school leadership, and we're excited to have him on board. Finally, best of luck to Veerle Ten Have, a past pupil who is representing New Zealand at the Paris Olympics in wind foiling. Ngā mihi, Alastair Sinton Principal  |
______________________________________________________________ CONTENTS: - Congratulations - Dale Carnegie 2024 Scholarship Winners
- Maui / LA Trip
- Sports News
- Honours Boards
- Alumni
- Attendance Matters
- Uniform
- International Host Families 2024
- School Bus Service
- Student ID Photos
- Tauranga City Community Notice - Arataki Bus Hub Update
- Key Dates / Term Dates
______________________________________________________________ CONGRATULATIONS…Dale Carnegie 2024 Scholarship Winners On Thursday, 4 July, 22 students from schools across the Western Bay of Plenty received their graduation certificates for completing the 2024 Acorn Foundation Dale Carnegie Youth Programme. Ashlee Callander and Mary Bragg were selected to attend from Mount Maunganui College. The estate of the late Mary and Roy McGowan has funded these scholarships for the last fifteen years. Acorn Foundation CEO Lori Luke said “Acorn is so pleased to once again support the Acorn Foundation Dale Carnegie Youth Programme through the generosity of Roy and Mary McGowan. Through 2024, dozens of Mount Maunganui College students have been provided a scholarship to attend a youth version of a course that has taught skills to improve the personal and professional lives of millions of people around the world.” This three-day course teaches the Dale Carnegie five drivers of success: building greater self-confidence; strengthening people skills; enhancing communication skills; developing leadership skills; and reducing stress and worry. The Acorn Foundation has long partnered with Dale Carnegie BOP Waikato and Priority One’s InStep programme to offer this youth-focused course that helps young people improve their self-confidence and personal communication techniques. The graduation ceremony featured a short speech from each student about what they had learned, and their experiences – with a particular highlight for many being the ability to learn new skills that will help them in all phases of their life. Ashlee Callander from Mount Maunganui College said about the programme that “it really helped me learn more about myself and to become a better person.” Congratulations to Ashlee and Mary!  |
______________________________________________________________ MAUI / LA TRIPWhat a trip! Anita Crosby, Sam Leske, Hari Mogosanu and Jim Critchley had the privilege of taking 23 students to Maui and LA for two weeks. First, thank you to the Board of Trustees for allowing the trip to go ahead. A big shout out to Kevin Coppins and his team from Barfoot & Thompson for their massive support at the quiz night. Along with our MC Clayton Mitchell from FitNation. Glenn Willoughby for being the guest speaker on the movie night. Glenn was truly inspirational and had a wealth of knowledge about NASA, AI and innovation; we were fortunate to have him speak at our event. Also, a huge thank you to all who contributed to the quiz night and helped our students with this trip. Finally, a massive thank you to the whanau and students of the trip. Allowing us to take your kids on a trip like this, which had never been done before, was fantastic. Every single one of our guest speakers in the USA were blown away by our students, and how engaged they were and how polite. They were a credit to you and our school. It is impossible to pick out a highlight. It was hit after hit! In Maui, travelling above the clouds to see the telescopes used to find Near Earth Objects (NEOs), swimming with turtles and the lesson on pineapple cutting and how to play a Ukulele at Peace of Maui. In LA, the visit to JPL was incredible. Still, then the tour of Carnegie Science and their history in Space exploration was amazing and seeing their workshop and talking to the engineers was awesome. The tour of Honeybee Robotics, with Zach discussing their work on the Dragonfly project to Saturn's largest moon, Titan, was terrific. Shopping in LA is an excellent way to find bargains! A visit to Universal Studios or Six Flags rollercoaster park was a highlight, although Goliath at Six Flags may have been a step too far for Anita and me!  |
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SPORTS NEWSLETTER Dan Meade Director of Sport Off-field Sports Uniforms Off-field sports uniforms are available online here or in store at 94 Elizabeth Street. It is important to have all our sports players looking the part and we encourage students to buy a long sleeve or short sleeve tee and / or hoodie if they don’t already have an off-field uniform.
Sponsorship Please reach out on danm@mmc.school.nz if you’re interested in joining our amazing group of sponsors who make a genuine difference to sport at Mount Maunganui College. We have a range of packages and sponsor benefits available and would love to hear from you. _____________________________________________________ High Achievers Congratulations to Morgan Sinkinson, Mackenzie Crawford, Ella Grace and Georgia Davoren on winning a bronze medal for the Tauranga Women’s Div 2 Waterpolo team in the WPL.
Congratulations to Grace Richardson on her selection for the 2024 Kayak Marathon World Champs. Grace will represent NZ in Croatia in September.
Keep an eye on Veerle Ten Have as she competes at the Olympics in Women’s Windsurfing. Veerle attended Mount Maunganui College in 2015. Incredible achievement at the pinnacle of sport!
SLSNZ Bay of Plenty and Coromandel Awards of Excellence Congratulations to the following students who picked up these prestigious awards for 2024! U15 Female Sports Person of the Year - Olivia Verryt U17 Male Sports Person of the Year - Braith Swanberg Volunteer Event Safety Contribution of the Year - Flynn Weatherall Sports Team of the Year - Omanu U17 Taplin Team - Braith Swanberg and Luke Thompson
Congratulations to Carter Hopoi who is currently in Taiwan with the Junior Tall Blacks. He’s been named MVP in the first two games as they play Asian Universities in the build up to the FIBA U18 Asia Cup, being held in Jordan in September.
Congratulations to all of our Mount Maunganui College basketball players who made Tauranga Representative teams for Nationals held over the holidays. U16 Girls Shamar Broughton Charis Broughton Aaliyah Hill Kashana Murray Marika Te Whata Not only did the U16 girls bring home the gold medal, Shamar was named MVP of the tournament. Charis and Shamar were also named in the tournament team.
U18 Girls Anna Hardie Kassidy Murray Jada Ormsby Te Rine Timutimu This team won a silver medal at Nationals.
U18 Boys Cole Hopoi Flynn Rapson This team came fifth at Nationals.
What’s been happening NZSS Road Race Champs Congratulations to Ryder Matthews who finished 37th in U16 Boys with a time of 1:38:09.
NZSS Cyclocross Congratulations to Filomena Klug who finished 1st in U20 Girls with a time of 50:54.2, and Ryder Matthews who finished 4th in U16 Boys. The cyclocross event was held in Papamoa last weekend.
What’s coming up? Sports Uniform Return Amnesty Week If you have any old sports uniforms at home that you haven’t returned, please bring them to the Main Office. You will find an Amnesty Box at reception to drop them off. Thank you for your help to track down missing sports uniforms!
Te Puke Gymsport Festivals Te Puke Gymsport Schools Festivals are on in Term 3. Secondary Schools Festival 16th August. Sign up with Tiffany in the Sports Office.
NISS Indoor Bowls Singles / Pairs Event Indoor Bowls will be held at Mount Sports Centre on Saturday 27th (singles) and Sunday 28th (pairs) July. Results to follow.
Eagles Golf Tournament The annual Eagles Golf Tournament will be held at Te Puke Golf Club on Monday 5th August. Results to follow.
Get2Go Challenge We have two teams registered for the Bay of Plenty Get2Go Challenge in Rotorua on Monday 5th August. Results to follow!
BOPSS Junior and Senior Basketball Champs Are being held at Mercury Arena on 9th August and 22nd August respectively. Results to follow!
College Golf Fun Day A Golf fun day is being held for anyone wanting to try out golf and enjoy a day with friends learning new skills. It is being held at Summerhill Estate on Monday 19th August. See Tiffany in the sports office to sign up.
NZSS Street Skateboarding Championships The National Street Skateboarding Champs are on 1st and 2nd September in Auckland. The annual skate trip is a highlight for all skaters. If you would like to sign up there are still a few spots, see Tiffany in the Sports Office.
Strength and Conditioning The Mount Maunganui College Strength and Conditioning Programme, is up and running again in Term 3. It provides a great space and top level strength and conditioning coaching to help your child reach their physical potential for their sport. See Mr Meade in the sports office if you’d like to know more.
Mount Maunganui College Sailing Raffle Win a Trip to Barcelona for the 37th America’s Cup! Imagine soaking up the sun in Barcelona while watching Emirates Team New Zealand defend the 37th America’s Cup. You can make this dream a reality and support a great cause at the same time.
1. Kiwi Cup Raffle Purchase a ticket in the Kiwi Cup Raffle for your chance to win a trip of a lifetime to Barcelona for the 37th America’s Cup valued at over $35,000! The Kiwi Cup Raffle is a nationwide initiative supported by Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron, Emirates Team New Zealand, Live Sail Die, and Yachting New Zealand. Its mission? To help sailing organizations raise essential funds for the sport of sailing. 2. How It Works Each ticket costs $20. Select “Mount Maunganui College”: When you purchase your ticket, choose Mount Maunganui College as your sailing club/team/association to support. Fundraising Impact: $10 from each ticket purchased will directly benefit Mount Maunganui College Sailing and contribute to getting our sailing team to nationals. 3. Secondary Prizes But wait, there’s more! Alongside the grand prize, there are fantastic secondary prizes waiting to be won. 4. Important Dates Raffle Tickets go on sale from 1st May. Ticket sales close on 24th July. Prizes will be drawn on 29th July 2024.
Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity! Visit kiwicup.co.nz to explore the full list of prizes and read the raffle terms and conditions.  |
______________________________________________________________ HONOURS BOARDSMount Maunganui College is looking to display our past achievements. If you are a former student or know of someone who represented New Zealand or earned a national title while attending Mount Maunganui College and would like your name displayed, please complete the Google form. We are also interested in former students who have represented New Zealand or earned a national title as adults. While all information is appreciated, we are particularly interested in information from the 1960s to 2000. All submissions must include any verification possible to ensure the information is correct. Achievements can be in Sports, Arts, Culture or Academia. HONOURS BOARD LINK  |
______________________________________________________________ ALUMNI Mount Maunganui College is developing a database of former students who are interested in keeping up to date with the college's past, present and future. Please click the link below to register your interest and/or share with others. Access to the link can also be found on the college website. MOUNT MAUNGANUI COLLEGE ALUMNI ______________________________________________________________  |
______________________________________________________________ UNIFORMThanks to all our families who ensure our students head off to school in the correct school uniform. We know you have high expectations of how our students present themselves, so we appreciate your support. Occasionally, students present to school in incorrect uniforms, and it can be disappointing for staff to have to start the day by having a negative conversation with a student about uniforms. Here are some reminders to help ensure your child has a positive start to the day: - Uniform guidelines.
- We would like to remind families that only Mount Maunganui College trousers are to be worn. These can only be purchased from NZ Uniforms.
- Students can wear a non-regulation waterproof jacket to and from school on wet days.
- Please ensure your child also adheres to our jewellery standards. No septums or rings are permitted on the face.
- Discipline and defiance procedures will be used to deal with ongoing uniform issues if not resolved promptly.
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______________________________________________________________ SCHOOL BUS SERVICEThis is a reminder to families that the school has a very efficient bus service. This service will ensure your child arrives at school on time and is ready for period 1 classes. While students can use the commercial bus service free during school hours provided they have a BEE card they cannot guarantee that they will arrive ready for an 8.45 am start. Many of these services mean that students are missing up to 30 minutes of learning time each day. Please encourage your child to use the school buses each day. This may mean they need to leave the house earlier, but it guarantees they are ready for the start of school. Up-to-date information on the school buses is on the school website https://www.mmc.school.nz/key-info/bus-information The afternoon buses leave the school grounds promptly at 3pm each day. The 712a buses are now arriving at 3 pm and the later one arrives at approximately 3.10pm.  |
______________________________________________________________ STUDENT ID PHOTOSAs ID cards are not required for school, students will not receive one this year unless they order it through the Photolife website. Information on how to order will be sent out from Photolife, and cards will be sent directly to them. Parent Queries – Please contact Photolife at: enquiries@photolife.co.nz ______________________________________________________________  |
ARATAKI BUS HUB UPDATEWith more than 40,000 bus passengers a month, Arataki is the second busiest bus hub in Tauranga. Following the community’s calls for better shelters and a safer environment, Tauranga City Council is giving the bus hub a much-needed upgrade. Construction will begin on Monday, 5 August 2024, and is expected to be completed in October 2024 (weather dependent). During construction, the existing bus shelters and footpaths in the work site on Farm Street will be closed. A temporary pedestrian pathway will be installed and bus stops will temporarily be moved about 80 metres towards Concord Avenue . Vehicle access through the site will be one-way only with entry from Taupo Avenue, with access to Bayfair Shopping Centre maintained at all times. Stops and routes will be clearly signposted, and traffic controllers will be available to help bus patrons during working hours. Find out more: https://letstalk.tauranga.govt.nz/projects/arataki-bus-hub-upgrade  |
______________________________________________________________ KEY DATES2024 Term Dates (click to view) 2025 Term Dates (click to view) August 2024 1............................ Careers Pathway Evening 7............................ Open Evening 14.......................... Talent Quest 15.......................... School Learning Conferences (4pm-7pm) 16.......................... School Learning Conferences (School Closed) 20-22..................... Team Photos 22.......................... Engagement Report Issued 27.......................... Head Shave 28.......................... Year 13 Quiz Night
September 2024 2............................ Mid Term Break (School Closed) 25.......................... Dance Night 26.......................... Final Engagement Report Issued 27.......................... Last Day Term 3
October 2024 14.......................... First Day Term 4 22.......................... Performing Arts Awards 23.......................... Year 11 RYDA Course 24.......................... Sports Awards 30.......................... Senior Prizegiving
November 2024 5............................ NZQA Exams Start 15.......................... NCEA Teacher Only Day (School Closed) 28.......................... Graduation 29.......................... NZQA Exams Finish
December 2024 4-6......................... Year 9 / Year 10 Activities 10.......................... Deans Prizegiving 11.......................... Junior Prizegiving 11.......................... Last Day Term 4